Welcome to the French Network for Reproducible Research
“For a researcher, there is nothing more frustrating than the inability to reproduce major results obtained just a few months earlier. The causes of such setbacks are numerous and sometimes insidious. This phenomenon contributes to what some describe as a “reproducibility crisis in research.”. — Vers une recherche reproductible, Desquilbet et al., 2019.
The French Network for Reproducible Research is an informal national initiative bringing together scientists involved in the study of factors that promote the reproducibility of research. Although the challenges of reproducibility vary from one discipline to another, they concern all scientific fields. The network is committed to broad and balanced disciplinary diversity.
Last news !
Journées du Réseau Français de Recherche Reproductible
Présentation de la réunion des membres du réseau
Further information
The next newsletter is in preparation, so don't hesitate to let us know what content you'd like to share with the community!Network Objectives
With around 260 members on its mailing list, subscription is currently the main criterion for membership. The members occupy a variety of positions and come from numerous institutions across France. At least 30 different disciplines are represented within the network. This diversity is a fundamental element of the network, which aims to promote the exchange of good practice and create discussion around common procedures in different disciplines (see the Members page for more details).
Ongoing Actions
Network Structure
To achieve these goals, the network has adopted a structure with three types of components: a steering committee that defines priority areas and coordinates the various actions, cross-functional groups (animation, european relations, institutional relations, communication), and finally, working groups on specific topics (training, notebooks, software environment management).
Annual Meetings
The network organises regular webinars on a variety of topics relating to reproducible research. You can find the list of seminars on this page.