Webinaire : IPOL journal and its approach to open science
David Donoho and many others pointed out in 2009 what is known nowadays as the reproducibility crisis in scientific research. This lack of credibility has consequences in the quality and credibility of research results. The modest contribution of Centre Borelli to mitigate this problem is the IPOL journal, started in 2009. This open-science journal publishes reproducible research on mathematical algorithms where each article comes with a open-source implementation, at least reviewed by two referees. Each article comes along with an online demo that allows any user to test the algorithm with their own data, as well as having access to a large archive of previously performed experiences.
In this short talk I will present the IPOL journal, how it is indexed as a publisher, how the submitted research (paper, software, and data) is evaluated, the impact of IPOL publications. I will finally draw some personal conclusions on why we should all perform reproducible research, but still it is hard to convince everybody to follow this path.
Ce webinaire a été animé par Miguel Colom-Barco, enseignant chercheur à l’ENS Paris Saclay.
La vidéo est disponible sur ce lien.
La présentation est disponible ici